Parker Geissler
The Vision
We recently sat down with veteran product designer Parker Geissler to talk aboutthe state of design and how he keeps the good ideas flowing.
- What is your idea of perfect design?
- There is no such thing as perfect, wonderful yes, perfect no.
- What is your biggest fear?
- That creativity will go out of style.
- Who are your favorite designers?
- Eileen Grey, because her style lives on even though she is gone. Freeman Thomas, Marcello Daniel, Rem Koolhaas or anyone who can tell an authentic story.
- What is your favorite article of clothing?
- A V-neck sweater with a white t-shirt and rumpled Khakis, it's easy.
- Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
- Summers at my family’s beach house on Horsehead Bay.
- What is your greatest luxury?
- Time.
- Do you think that consumer’s expectations are overrated?
- Never. The minute you take consumers for granted they surprise you. I always try to make products that have a clear purpose.
- Have you ever built a product that you ended up hating?
- Color: yes – Product: no.
- Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
- Compositional integrity, people just look at me, but think about it.
- Do you have a formula for developing products?
- Instinct, experience and listening - they really are the best teachers.
- Do you have a great love in your life?
- Sure, they all have four legs and a tail and answer to the name of Titus, Monkey, Opus or Bhagwan. Dogs are amazing. I am very much a dog kinda guy.
- With your hectic schedule, how do you stay centered?
- A good week at Whistler never hurts.
- What do you consider your greatest contribution?
- Good at rising above the noise.
- What is your most treasured attribute?
- Hard earned experience.
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- A place of my own design.
- What do you consider your most remarkable characteristic?
- Retaining a point of view.
- What is the quality you admire most in consumers?
- Consistent buying habits.
- What do you value most in your friends?
- Integrity.
- Who are your heroes in life?
- My mother and father.
- What do you dislike most about yourself?
- Wanting everything to be perfect.
- What is your Motto?
- Be authentic.
- Any last words?
- Good design sells itself.